Here you find the Residenz Four Seasons in Monschau
Kirchstraße 27 – 52156 Monschau
Directly at the house there is unfortunately none parking possibility. Please park in one of the three big parings at the edges of town
[osm_map_v3 map_center=”50.5553,6.2407″ zoom=”16″ width=”100%” height=”450″ map_border=”thin solid black” post_markers=”all” control=”fullscreen,scaleline,mouseposition”]
Data from OpenStreetMap – Published under ODbL
Here still a practical overview of our objects
Here you find the Residenz Four Seasons in Monschau
Kirchstraße 27 – 52156 Monschau
Directly at the house there is unfortunately none parking possibility. Please park in one of the three big parings at the edges of town
[osm_map_v3 map_center=”50.5553,6.2407″ zoom=”16″ width=”100%” height=”450″ map_border=”thin solid black” post_markers=”all” control=”fullscreen,scaleline,mouseposition”]
Data from OpenStreetMap – Published under ODbL
Here still a practical overview of our objects